SUNCOM Matieshop

SUNCOM Matieshop

SUNCOM - Capitalising on SU’s proud history & heritage

Previously known as Commercial Services, SUNCOM is characterised by several operational divisions that operate totally independently from Stellenbosch University. SUNCOM – a division of Innovus – is all about capitalising on the proud work and heritage of Stellenbosch University and has, in doing so, proved an important contributor to the university’s 5th revenue stream.

Included within these operational divisions is the Matieshop – a flagship space residing in the iconic Neelsie, right at the heart of campus. In addition to their physical premises, the Matieshop has also recently launched an exciting new online shop. The shop is designed to be a one-stop-shop for all your Stellenbosch University needs - whether that be taking home a piece of SU-branded apparel, food and wine products produced on campus, or striking jewellery made by the hands of Stellenbosch students, for all your shopping wants, the Matieshop is trying to answer that need.

We spoke to Lara Cronje from the Matieshop about what it means to be a woman entrepreneur in 2022.

Lara Cronje – Big picture thinking on the daily

Wearing many hats is something Lara Cronje is no stranger to. In addition to being head of commercialization at the Matieshop, she is also in charge of creative direction for the brand and the overall daily operational management of the store.

Her secret to success? Lara believes her superpower lies in her vision and execution: her ability to see the bigger picture and to not sweat the small stuff. When asked about the female role-models who have shaped her as a woman and a businesswoman, her list is endless, including the likes of Sheryl Sandberg – COO of Meta Platforms, Maya Angelou, Jane Goodall, and the iconic Oprah Winfrey.

To be successful in business, Lara believes that being aware of both your strengths and your weaknesses is part of the process – suggesting that it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow. Having unwavering determination and a fearlessness in your approach is as important as being open to rejection, failure, and criticism. Furthermore, she stresses that with the right team around you – anything is truly possible.

Like so many of the entrepreneurial women we have celebrated in this campaign, Lara believes that the perceived limitations women place on themselves and the societal conditioning of what a woman should be and look like, are the biggest factors hindering the professional success of women the world over. Her advice to her younger self: “you have nothing to fear except fear itself” and that once we stop becoming our own worst enemy, great things are truly possible.