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Doris Peters

Doris has been with Innovus for almost 24 years and has gained a great amount of technology transfer knowledge during this period. She is responsible for supporting young spin-out companies with corporate administration and business support services. Doris enjoys working with our entrepreneurs and making an impact in our society. She serves on various boards of directors as company secretary and enjoys being part of young and upcoming technology companies.

Doris has completed the World Intellectual Property Organization-University of South Africa Specialisation Programme in Intellectual Property and the AUTM TOOLS course, including the Advanced Tools in Technology Transfer License Transactions, in the United States of America. She is also a registered technology transfer professional (RTTP) and has completed her Higher Certificate in Economic Sciences and Business Management through the University of South Africa (UNISA). Doris has started with her B.COM: Entrepreneurship at UNISA and is concentrating on gaining knowledge on various business fundamental aspects, venture creation, design thinking and other innovation methodologies in the entrepreneurial environment.

Doris is probably one of the most experienced technology transfer individuals on the African continent.

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